
Posts Tagged ‘smoking weed’

How to stop smoking weed. Vol. 2

February 10, 2011 Comments off

ways to quit smoking marijuanaDue to popularity of one of my previous posts about ways to stop smoking marijuana, I’ve decided to write another one dedicated to this theme. You will find out how to stop smoking weed, four reasons why you need to do it, and why you need to do it NOW.

First let’s speak about harmful effects smoking weed has – what it does to destroy your organism and your life. The most harmful effect weed has on reproductive system of a human. It can make a man complete impotent or cause erectile dysfunction, as it called. This kind of dysfunction was observed during numerous experiments. Doctors say – if you smoke weed for a long, chronically, in rather big amounts – prepare to disappoint your girlfriend. Again and again. For those men who think they won’t face the problem due to usage of small amounts – I’ve got to disappoint you now. Read more…